Thursday, January 4, 2018

Option trading software guide

All stock options trading and technical analysis information on this website is for educational purposes only. This section provides graphical and tabular examples of more advanced option trading strategies that involve combining and manipulating the basic call and put options. It also contains graphical and tabular examples of some of the more popular technical indicators. If you have questions or are unsure where to start, do check out our Frequently Asked Questions page. This section provides introductory information about stock options trading, from option basics such as terminology and usage to component options and basic options trading strategies. It should not be considered the sole source of information for making actual investment decisions. This section covers the basics of technical analysis and how to use technical indicators. This section contains a range of resources relating to stock options trading and technical analysis, including trading articles, books, related websites and inspirational quotes. The writer has unlimited risk and a limited profit potential, which is the premium of the option minus commissions. Our highest profit would be attained at 135 based on options on futures expiration.

We can either assist your option writing style or recommend trades and strategies we believe are appropriate, using the above guidelines. If coffee is trading at 84, we can buy 1 coffee 100 call and write 2 135 calls with the same expiration dates and 30 days of time until expiration. Risk lies if cocoa continues to decline because you only collect a certain amount of premium and the futures contract has unlimited risk the lower it goes. The writer believes the futures contract will not reach a certain strike price by the expiration date of the option. We believe you should stay with the major trend when writing futures options, with rare exceptions. Most futures options expire worthless and out of the money.

Futures Options Trading 101 is available free to help both experienced and beginning futures market traders. This method also lowers your margin on the trade and should cocoa continue lower to 800, you at least collect some premium on the option you wrote. Therefore, you must analyze and study each market situation with several different trading scenarios and determine which one best suits your risk parameters. The advantage is time decay. Remember, the key is still going to be picking the general market direction correct. Note: Some futures options trade based on different futures contract months and should always be considered in your trading. If you are an inexperienced options trader use these strategies through the broker assisted program.

Example: If coffee was trading at 84 and we thought prices might be heading slowly higher. We can write 1 130 coffee call with less time and buy 1 coffee 130 call with more time in the anticipation that the market will trend higher, but not above the 130 strike before the first options on futures expiration. Their sole objective is to collect the premium paid by the option buyer. For example: someone who goes long cocoa at 850 can write a 900 strike price call option with about one month of time until option expiration. This allows you to collect the premium of the call option if cocoa settles below 900, based on option expiration. Option writing can also be used for hedging purposes and reducing risk. This is known as naked option selling.

There are three ways to win as an option writer. Historic volatility, technical analysis, the trend and all other significant factors should all be analyzed to increase your probability of profit. Some additional risk here lies in the difference between the two contract months. To hedge against a futures position. This is why we recommend exiting positions once a market trades through an area you perceived as strong support or resistance. Please do not hesitate to call for help with any of these strategies or explanations.

Risk lies if coffee rises dramatically or settles over 152. The art of trading these strategies is deciding when, where, which futures markets, and what ranges to use. An option writer has the exact opposite to profit as the option buyer. It also allows you to make a profit on the actual futures contract between 851 and 900. So why would anyone want to write an option? Ratio and calendar spreads are also used and are recommended at times. Most futures options expire worthless and out of the money, therefore most people lose when buying options on futures. Therefore, the option writer is collecting the premium the option buyer paid.

Remember not to get caught up with only volatility, because options on futures with high volatility could always get higher. Cannon Trading Company Inc. Have you ever wondered who sells the futures options that most people buy? This would be in anticipation of coffee trending higher, but not above 135 in 30 days. When writing naked futures options your risk is unlimited, without the use of stops. Use market pullbacks to support or resistance as opportunities to enter with the trend, by writing futures options which best fit into your objectives. We also believe in using stops based on futures settlements, not based on the value of the option. Many traders have asked HOW to trade MANUALLY by following the Copy Buffett Signals. This Video is a quick tutorial of how i manually trade with their signals with descriptive details on expiry times.

Copy Buffett Software has impressed me with its signal performance. We hope the performance levels continue with its results and Ill resume trading with the Copy Buffett Software app and provide more followup reviews with our experience. If every trade has the same amount invested then the better system would simply be the one which trades more. You may also find your access to certain types of assets limited. By using a binary option robot you invest your time and money in their years of experience and their knowledge of the markets. This type of trading offers an array of challenges that you will not have come across before; this is particularly true when you are dealing with short terms trades which needs a different approach. Meta Trader has started to be used by those trading in binary options; the system is an adaption of a successful currency trading process.

An investment fund will charge a fee which can make a significant dent in any profits; the binary options robots do not. You should also be aware that the binary options robots cannot work alone; they must be connected to a broker account which you will need to establish before you can set your robot in motion. Those that are already using a broker and wish to continue with it. It is, therefore, better to choose one of the binary options robots and stick with it. This is a much easier app to install on your computer. Whilst this is relevant to binary trading it is not the only element; the market is very flexible and there must be an element of forward thinking to allow the robots to adapt successfully and operate long term. Often the best quality products cost the most and whilst this is true of binary options robots it is possible to get a good robot for either very little or free; providing you adopt the right approach. Combining the two can be a good method.

It is possible to pay for the services of a binary options robot but is it worth it? This ensures you are in control of your funds and always have something in your account. Use the minimum amount possible and you will reduce the risk to your portfolio. How Much Money Can You Earn With Binary Option Robot? The binary options robots software is designed to study the market and the possible trades which will generate a profit. People who have already tried the service and are unbiased will be the best ones to give you advice. Are All Binary Options Robots Similar? Do Binary Options Robots Compatible With Your Broker?

What About Free Binary Option Robot? Professional developers adopt a different approach and their systems are designed to integrate seamlessly with specific brokers. Automated binary trading allows you to get a return on your investment and learn by watching. If this is the case you should proceed with caution; if making money were that simple everyone would be doing it! This is an incredibly difficult question to answer as it very much depends on which trades you take on and how successful you are. You will simply need to assess how much risk you are prepared to accept and then the binary option robot will handle your trades for you. As with any new product or system you will want to know that it works before you start investing significant amounts of money.

However, a robot with the same approach will be able to trade for twenty four hours a day; potentially placing twenty four trades a day. The majority of this type of software is developed by looking at past information. Currently most brokers do not support Meta Trading. You can even adopt this approach for several days to be satisfied with the results. It is essential to study review on sites like this one and on social media to gauge the response to a specific robot. If these functions are included with a robot which you can access for free then they are certainly worthwhile! Finally, many of the signals between the Meta Trading robot and the broker are simply misplaced along the way.

The autonomous software is also likely to locate more trading opportunities that you will when studying the markets yourself. You can use the services of a robot to ensure you are generating funds whilst having fun with friends. It is also possible to contact the customer support team with your broker to see if they can help you. This allows the robot provider to offer a good quality, free service to experience and new traders. To fully understand this you imagine a trader studying the market for four or five hours every day and placing five trades a day; getting positive returns on as many as seventy percent of them. It is not difficult to get caught up in the moment or push harder to generate funds after a run of bad trades. If you use a free robot does that automatically mean it is a good idea? It is simply not possible to develop all the right strategies within the first attempts at trading. If this is not an option then you can record the trades on paper and compare them to the market movements to see how successful a robot would have actually been.

The aim would be to replenish your funds but could just as not difficult result in all your funds disappearing. The second is that every broker uses different trading requirements and platforms; there are often technical issues when connecting to the broker; the binary options robots can only connect to specific ones. This part is time consuming and can be difficult. Emotions are often one of the biggest issues for any trader. This will show you there trades they have made, their success rate and even the percentage returns they have generated. It is not clear cut which method works the best; instead you should focus on which style of trading suits you best; providing you generate a profit stick with it! You may need to configure the standalone software but this should just involve your login information and the details of the broker. The alternative is a robot which simply uses the same amount of funds every time; unless you tell it different. The ability to monitor your returns rate, a robot can consolidate the information from several broker accounts allowing you to see, at a glance, how much funds you have and which is generating the most profit. You will need to be constantly aware of what the markets are doing and the latest economic news.

There are two reasons you must select an appropriate broker. Individual systems sending you signals are likely to lose up to half the signals in the transfer process; leaving you a host of missed opportunities. People who have never tried binary options before are struggling to have the time to learn the necessary skills for successful trading. However, despite initially seeming easier it will quickly become more expensive than the lifetime option. You will then profit the knowledge to try trading yourself! Doing this from an objective viewpoint allows the robot to select the best possible trades; based on facts and analysis.

Reasons not to Use Binary Options Robot Software How the Binary Options Automated Trading Service Works What is Binary Option Robot Auto Trading Software? Even after you have completed all the other tests you will want to start using the robot with small trades. This is generally due to a lack of experience as anyone can create a robot and you will not know how good it actually is. As its name suggests you simply download the automated binary options trading software, it is dedicated to binary options robot auto trading. Investment funds are an excellent example of this kind of trading. Tiredness in particular can cause you to make investments which are not beneficial and highly unlikely to be profitable. The best one will be a robot which provides consistent results and is free to use. This works exceptionally well as you must have an account with an approved broker to use the robot.

Trade constantly; day and night if required. Before the software does this you need to tell it some simple facts, including the amount you wish to risk per trade and the types of trade you wish to engage in. Whilst it is not possible to guarantee a return from any investment, it is possible to sign up to an auto service which seems to offer something which is too good to be true. There are several ways of helping you to keep your initial funds and generate healthy profits. The majority of the binary options robots use complicated algorithms which have been created and are run through dedicated programs. Using your emotions is likely to end in bad trades and cost you additional funds. In fact, making the wrong decision when tired can be a very costly mistake. Is It Worth Using It? There are many different suppliers of this software; some work in the same way whilst others use different strategies and angles in an attempt to get the most profitable results.

It is not whether the robot includes a money management scheme that matters; it is whether the scheme will benefit you or not. The reason for this is very simple. If you are confident that the results are good you can gradually increase your investment amount. The right one for your needs will depend upon several factors including your preferred broker and the way you like to trade; it is an individual decision. The more things you attempt to squeeze into your day the harder it is to do them all accurately. This can even allow you to test a robot without risking much of your money. All you need to do is check your account regularly and adjust the percentage if required.

Providing you choose a good robot you will generate a healthy profit; almost effortlessly. This means you will be able to test the trades a robot suggests without using any of your own funds. Whilst some of these offer a very worthwhile service it is also possible that you will not be getting the service you expect. It is not as stable as a standalone but it is easier to set up. Instead of the program analyzing the web a human does and the program verifies the findings of the experienced trader. Using the binary options robots solves this issue; they will trade on your behalf and can even place trades while you are at work or asleep. This prevents you from wiping out all your funds on one bad trade but allows your funds to grow at the fastest possible rate.

This is in keeping with modern business practices which reward those who introduce customers to their business. How Big Deposit Is Needed To Use Binary Options Robots? You can even choose which brokers to continue using based on this information. Running two systems means making monthly or annual payments to both of them; which will affect your profits. This is true whether you are studying the markets or not: it always is. The automated system would place as many as four hundred and eighty trades and win 336 of them! This means you must either find one of the binary options robots which work with your current broker or start using the services of a new broker which will connect to your chosen robot. Not all binary brokers are integrated with binary options robots, however majority of them accept automated binary trading as an option.

This can not difficult cost you money whilst you learn the basic trades. You will need to pay a monthly fee which will allow the service to send the signals created by your Meta Trader robot to your broker and have them put into action. Using Meta trader will allow you to create your own robot; however, there is an issue with this. In general the free robots offer the same services as the ones which you need to pay. The better robots use complicated algorithms to ensure they win more trades than they lose; an experienced trader can produce the same results. Their consistently should lead to excellent returns. This is something you will struggle to do once your emotions get in the way.

There are an increasing number of robots which can be used for free. They will only trade based on what the market is doing at the moment; they do not have any attachment to the success or failure of a trade which has already finished. Simply go to the website and login to your account. You will then need to master the more complex strategies which are essential to long term success in this type of trading. This requires a time commitment on your part which may leave you little time spare after you complete your regular job. Most binary options auto traders will provide an estimate of what you could earn but this is not a guarantee. Binary options robots are adaptable and can integrate with almost any platform but you will need to be sure you are happy with the way your chosen system works.

You then set your parameters and let the robot do its work. As a free robot will need you to close your account and create a new one through them; even with the same broker, you may lose any status you have built up. Even robots without set management policies can be told a percentage of your account to trade each time; this will ensure you stay in the money. As mentioned some providers offer a completely free robot; instead of you paying the fee your broker will. Its sole job is to trade; not eat, sleep or even rest. To decide if it is the right solution for you this article will explain what binary option robots are, why they can be beneficial and whether they are the same as the signals you can receive. You will probably access it via the internet and the settings will be visible as either a sidebar or toolbar on your internet page. Managing your funds effectively will allow you to get through these patches and back to the profitable trades. This ensures you can put the robot through every test you can think of; if it does not perform how you expect simply return it for your funds back.

In this instance it may be preferable to pay a robot provider. It is possible to learn them but it takes time. What Kind Of Binary Option Robot Auto Trading Software Types Are Available? These are generally those which increase the amount you trade with as the value of your funds grows and decrease as your funds decrease. This article deals with these professional firms. The computer will also deal with all the transactional side of things.

Providing your calculation ends up with a figure higher than one then the robot will have performed better than your manual trades and generated a higher level of returns. To combat this issue several businesses have started up which operate to fill this gap. Even if you have an account already you will generally need to set up a second which is dedicated to the robot. This will ensure a higher overall rate of return. The second is to receive the signals but for you to decide whether to execute them or not. Providing you are using one of the better known and respected brokers you should be able to choose from a selection of robots. Is it Worth the Financial Commitment?

Experienced traders will evaluate the bigger picture as well as specific situations. Fortunately the best binary options robots can assist you with this issue. You do not need to understand the market or analyze the markets if you use a binary options robot. You will undoubtedly have heard about the various techniques of making money without doing anything. Almost all the robots operating through Meta Trader have small issues which will prevent them from providing long term success in binary trading. Finally, you will know how to test any automated trading system without using your own funds and which is the best autonomous software currently available. Here we will also research the differences between the various robots and whether they are worth the investment costs. However, there are some which develop their trades based on the analysis of experienced traders; the human element. Most Important Questions And Answers Why Automated Binary Options Trading Becomes Popular Nowadays?

There are risks associated with any investment and these are often not appreciated by newcomers to the binary options trading market. The basic controls and features should be the same or very similar but the minimum and maximum amounts for deposits and trades will vary as will the best rates of return. It should also add durability and functions to your trading options. You can use the winning percentage displayed and times it by the total returns you have received from your broker. Unfortunately, not all robots operate in the same way and may place your funds at risk. The majority of binary options robots will allow you to access their history.

Of course you can simply start trading with the robot, but, if you have made a bad decision you must be prepared to lose the funds you have invested. Where to find a Binary Trading Robot Review? However, a robot can scan far more assets and movements than a human which will increase the amount of successful trades which are placed. Your relationships are likely to suffer as you attempt to balance your work, family life and generate additional funds from your binary investments. You can even choose to run both systems; one robot supplying you with trades and the other waiting for your instructions to place trades. These are the easiest to start with. The software will simply look at the current market movements and the rationale behind certain directional changes.

It is a fact of any type of trading that you cannot get it right every time. Binary options robots are effectively autonomous software which allows you to trade without prior experience as well as without spending time on regular basis infront of your computer. It may cross your mind that there are other ways to invest your funds without needing to be present or spend time making trades. The robot can trade on hundreds of different assets but you can individually set the ones you wish to trade in; allowing you to adjust for market conditions and maintain your profit margins. You have two options when choosing between the binary options robots; the first is to let the robot find the signals and place the trades. The most difficult part of trading in the binary markets is getting to grips with all the different options and strategies. Many of the robots will link with the demo account supplied by a broker. Of course, to do this you will need to access the robot and if you have paid for it you will want to complete your review within the sixty day grace period; ensuring you get your funds back if you are not happy. By using the services of a good binary options robot you will be able to set limits to the number of trades or amount of funds committed in any one day.

This is an important guarantee and incentive; allowing you to test any of the binary options robots thoroughly. Whilst a person can make mistakes and the number of trade possibilities will be less it can still generate good results. Automated Binary Trading Robot? Is an Automated Binary Options Robot a Good Idea? It is the simplest and most cost effective way of receiving professional help. This type uses none of your computer resources as it is cloud based and the trades, once set, cannot be not difficult lost just by closing your computer. This is generally considered to be a bad choice as there is no significant profit from this approach.

Unfortunately there is also such a thing as badly managing your funds which can be worse than not managing them at all! Assuming your broker offers a specific service which suits you in a special way you may prefer the idea of paying for a robot. Fortunately your binary options robots do not feel tiredness; they will work to the same standard at all times; this generally improves the level of profits you can make. They are much slower than a computer but can pick up on small signals which are overlooked by the algorithms. The first of these is that the robot developers will only wish to work with firms they believe are reputable. Why Should You Use Automated Binary Trading? This means the profits generated are yours and makes it an exceptionally good alternative to other investment options.

The real beauty of the binary options robots is the fact that they see completely in numbers; their programming code is a set of mathematical parameters which allow them to trade in a predictable way within the binary fields. This means that your investment will always be a percentage of your account balance and ensures you have money left at the end of the trading day. However, one of the fundamental differences between investment funds and binary options robots is the charges they make. Automated binary options trading is rapidly growing in popularity and developing into a niche market with a huge amount of potential. It is highly likely that you will make a range of basic mistakes which will quickly diminish your available funds; you may even find you run out of money without really mastering the right approach. Experienced traders are looking for other ways to invest their funds, binary options are an important part of many traders portfolio but the less time it consumes the more time the trader will have to investigate other investment possibilities. Combining this with the limited number of brokers who support this facility means you will miss a large amount of potential trades. This type of approach will quickly worsen your fund level by increasing the amount of funds placed on a specific trade after you have experienced several out of pocket trades.

Using the Binary Options Trading Robot What is the Binary Options Trading Bot? The best binary robots offer a means to manage your money by basing a trade on the results of the last trade. Ideally it should be free, web based, have a good reputation and be well supported. The binary options robots do not do this; some of them charge an initial fee and then no other cost whilst others are completely free for life. You will not need to find hours every day to study the markets; just a few minutes checking your parameters with the robot will suffice! By signing to a broker through the robot they have introduced you and will profit a monetary incentive as long as you remain a member. However, unless you fall into one of above reasons then it is advisable to start with a free binary options robot and test this approach out before committing any funds. The binary options robots do not react in the same way.

When You Should Use It? Binary Signals Trader is the work of a financial expert that wanted to create a software that is able to deliver the most accurate binary signals to traders. Under Manual Trading, traders have a platform of currently popular signals that you can invest in. It is absolutely scam free and it is an exclusive trading system which also has a Premium Account that is available to all its traders. Binary Signals Trader has a free trading account that is free of downloads. But, to make the deposit with a broker, you will be directly linked to their site to complete the transaction. Same applies for stocks. It could only bring you more. Simon Russell, an expert in binary trading, managed to procure a software after remaining successful during the one of the worst financial crisis in 2008. Under Trading Amount, there is Currencies Investment and Stocks Investment.

Binary Signals Trader guide will help you comprehend how it is all done and with what efficiency. We have placed cookies on your computer to help improve your experience when visiting this website. Developed by Simon Russell, Binary Signals Trader is a professional signal boosting software that generates signals in real time. As we cover all steps for our Binary Signals Trader guide, it is good to know that every trader should definitely familiarize themselves with all the features of the signal provider and what trading strategies could improve your win ratio. And you do it all on Binary Signals Trader platform. Traders can not difficult decide whether they want to invest in that trade or not, eliminating greater risk possibilities.

Daily Investment allows you to set a spending limit during a trading day. Binary Signals Trader guide discovers that it offers a variety of features, some of which are available only with our Premium Account. With Binary Signals Trader account, you can use the same account to make deposits with multiple brokers. If you prefer currencies, you can invest more in them. This free signal provider is independent of all binary brokers. Everyone is able to improve their binary options trading after reading this Binary Signals Trader guide. Is Binary Signals Trader a Scam?

How to Use Binary Signals Trader for Binary Options Trading? However, with Binary Signals Trader, you are able to authorize every trade in Manual Trading section. When traders invest in assets, they are able to do so with each asset type. Once you optimize Binary Signals Trader for binary trading, you will experience what many other traders already have. Binary Signals Trader has a unique set of features that allow beginners and experienced traders become excellent traders and make money from binary options trading. Every signal contains the following information: the asset, call or put action, confidence factor, broker, expiry time of the trade, investment amount with the option to trade. In binary options trading, you are supposed to make a call or put action for the direction of the asset. Beginners tend to make a mistake and deactivate most of the assets which minimizes drastically the number of incoming signals.

Binary Signals Trader is a new and improved signal provider that is suitable for traders without experience. This section of trading is quite special because most brokers require manual trading to be done on their platform and you basically need to be able to predict asset direction based on your own knowledge. To open a free Binary Signals trader account, you are guided by simply filling out the general information. For Expiry Times, you can choose 60 seconds, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, and End of Day trading options. In order to make the right prediction, you must have a signal provider that will enable you to place trades that could bring you profit. There are also features under Trading Settings that provide better account management. Confidence factor shows traders how risky the trade is. However, if you prefer even odds, then you can invest the same Trading Amounts for both asset types. Our traders only have to be online to trade. Once you create your Binary Signals Trader account and make a deposit with a broker, you will be rewarded with our Premium Account.

His system is about algorithms that generate live signals with no delay. Furthermore, it is important to know that your assets should remain activated during trading. While scanning the market situation, algorithms use the current data, asset movements, and various methods in order to find the most profitable trades. There are over 40 trading assets available with Binary Signals Trader. Binary Signals Trader guide to using Premium account starts with a single deposit. From red, yellow to green, confidence factor is also marked in percentage. This type of account management and safety precaution eliminates any type of unwanted financial loss of money. Note, binary brokers tend to have different minimum Trading Amounts.

The Premium Account is suitable for all our traders and we encourage them to take full advantage of this trading benefit for more successful binary trading. Simon Russell enables traders to receive current information and not just past market analytics. This is to ensure transparent trading since there are no transactions with Binary Signals Trader. However, with Binary Signals Trader, you are able to trade with more than one broker using the same platform to optimize your features. Daily Stop loss of money enables traders to set a spending limit. You can invest in popular assets like currency pairs and stocks. Premium Account is a way for our traders to experience additional beneficial options that increase their winning aspect. Binary Signals Traders has the following tabs on the trading dashboard: Dashboard, Manual Trading, Positions, Connected Brokers, Tutorial, Contact and Log Out option.

You can invest in both asset types differently. This guide is going to provide 5 steps that could help you become a successful trader with Binary Signals Trader. In less than a minute, your account is created. Binary Signals Trader software is unique in its performance and every trader is able to take advantage of that not difficult. When our traders access the trading platform after they make their first deposit, they will be able to personalize their trading features. Can use contingent orders for order entry, but it does become more difficult.

Using our watch list software we decided to continue to add to our existing SLV short straddle position with a new set of strike prices reflective of the move lower in the ETF recently. As your account grows in value, increase the amount you take out each month. To transition out of your job, you have to make some sacrifices. Cut down as many of your expenses as you can to set yourself up for success early on. Should I do a monthly credit spread? EWW debit spread trade. Focus on a small collection of symbols that you can mechanically trade as much as possible.

First, get to the point where you start paying yourself a salary out of your trading account. Never rush your trade decisions, and do not worry if you cannot get into a trade. As a long as you have some consistency of when you trade, it should not make that big of a difference. Carve out time to go out for lunch and get access to a computer elsewhere. Create a snowball effect so you can eventually transition out of your job over a few years. Learn how to trade on your smartphone using mobile apps. This neutral iron condor in DIA is need of a quick adjustment early this week as the market continues to rally. Never use market orders, only use contingent orders that are limit orders. However, trading multiple days is more ideal than trading only one day per week.

Cut out the strategies that do not work for your schedule. To be most efficient, focus on a couple of different strategies. If 30 minutes is all you can carve out for trading, then you have to maximize that time. NOT to close out of our current put credit spread due to pricing reasons. Use other devices like a tablet or smartphone to profit access to the markets. IBB looking for a move higher to hedge our portfolio. How best should I return to trading? These single short puts in COP acted as a great hedge for our other bearish bets in oil this month and helped smooth out our returns after we closed them for a nice big profit. Following a huge drop in implied volatility we worked hard to close this MON iron condor trade adjusting the order multiple times to fill before the end of the day.

Remember: the trades you see in front of you are not the only trades in the world. Realize that there are seasons of activity where you are more active versus not. The expectation of returns is different for everybody, dependent on several factors. Find the time during the day that best suits your own schedule. Should I do a debit spread? Use the days that you can access the markets to be more active in trading. The easiest way to automate your trades is through contingent orders for closing trades. TrianaSoft, David Campbell, Michael Wedmore and trianasoft.

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Where and what can you deduct expenses related to your trading activity? Which corporate structure bests suits the individual options trader allowing for us to keep maximum profits? Can someone that is retired or otherwise unemployed and has capital gains from trading elect to be an investor on their federal return? What are some of the things most traders overlook that they could deduct on their taxes each year? What are the benefits of being classified as a trader? Are Wealthy Investors Always The Most Intelligent Investors?

Great podcast and looking forward to future editions.

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