Saturday, December 30, 2017

Option trading ideas kung fu panda

Was he, personally, responsible for Tai Lung becoming evil? Compared to other pairings, this one sort of makes sense, genetically speaking. Downplayed, however, as Shifu did get much nicer in the holiday special and the sequels. Win the Crowd: Either this film or Madagascar made people start thinking twice about disregarding DreamWorks as just another film studio. Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Kung Fu Panda and its sequels are very popular in China. Am Not Shazam: His name is Po, not Kung Fu Panda. Shifu could count as well. VERY severe sin in Confucianism. His death scene is also one of the most visually and emotionally gorgeous of the entire film, accompanied by a truly astounding piece by Hans Zimmer.

Awesome Music: Courtesy of Hans Zimmer and John Powell. Preferred Couple: The second it looked like Po and Tigress were on the way to becoming an item, the fandom joyfully embraced the idea. Does he see any of his students as anything more than a chance for personal glory by training a great warrior? Please add anything related to Kung Fu Panda 2 or Kung Fu Panda 3 on their own pages respectively. Tai Lung, if not worse. While not really having anything going for it in canon, Crane and Viper appear to be the secondary item to Po and Tigress. Po himself, was naturally seen with mistrust as he landed on the role for personal fame and not merits on the field.

Values Resonance: Despite not being actually made by the Chinese, if one actually were to look at things from a traditionalist Confucian perspective, Tai Lung becomes an even more fitting villain. Hilarious in Hindsight: Seth Rogen and green insects are inseparable now. Although, considering his writeup in Art of Kung Fu Panda, maybe not. What the Hell, Hero? Ping is beloved for being a genuinely loving father to Po despite his many insecurities and flaws, showing surprising Hidden Depths by knowing the message of the film already, and also being quite funny in his various attempts to promote his noodle shop. The third movie was even produced by the new DreamWorks Orient studio in China.

Rooting for the Empire: Downplayed. Shifu that the latter feels absolutely helpless to help with proved DreamWorks can make something as deep as their main rival Pixar. Dragon Scroll, in effect asking Shifu to commit his own filial impiety. Evil Is Cool: Tai Lung. He ended up becoming a Breakout Character to the point of becoming the Tritagonist of the third film. Some like him for being a deep, complex, and fleshed out character while others hated him for being an abusive, mean and uncaring jerk. Growing the Beard: Depending who you ask, either Kung Fu Panda or Madagascar, is this for DreamWorks, when they started producing either original IPs or adpatations of other works that were much better received than their earlier movies. Were his issues really resolved at the end of the first movie, or is he still basically the same uncaring jerk, just with less stress in his life? Sleeper Hit: At first, everyone thought that this would just be a comedic parody of Kung Fu films, never once suspecting that it would be the start of one of the most popular movie franchises in America and China.

Genre Turning Point: Before this film, Western Animation feature films were often starkly afraid to show heroes getting into fights in which the actual trading of blows that actually connect regularly happens. Alternative Character Interpretation: Shifu at times borders on Ron the Death Eater. He gets over these issues by the end of the first film, just in time for the second film to reveal a really depressing backstory. Got that, Seltzer and Friedberg? The Wuxi Finger Hold to a gigantic fart cloud. Now, bruising hand to hand, albeit bloodless, combat is considered perfectly acceptable material for family films. Gateway Series: With its ambitious storytelling, blazing action and the myriad of awards, including Oscar nominations, this series has introduced millions to the Furry Fandom at its big budgeted best. However, his performance as Po turned out astoundingly good. Shifu, where he reveals that the abuse he suffered at the hands of Shifu and the Five was a step up from what his life had been before.

Counterpart Comparison: The series as a whole sometimes gets compared to Avatar: The Last Airbender for having similar martial arts settings, mood, music, and mixture between comedy and drama. Jack Black surprised a lot of people with how good he was as Po. It will foil Po and Tigresses relationship by having Viper be the instigator with Monkey and Mantis being the two Shippers on Deck for Crane. Like the last two films, Po will try to share his enlightenment with the villain, who ultimately rejects it and is defeated for good. The orphans never accepted Tigress. This would show that Po has not only finished his journey of becoming a Kung Fu master, but begin his journey as a mentor for future generations. The number one flaw with this WMG is that SINLONG DOES NOT EXIST. Po will be unable to bring himself to fight his biological father up until one of the people he loves gets hurt. All we saw in the flashback was him shaking his head and walking away. Shifu sees himself as having failed his mission in life.

The effects of the Wuxi Fingerhold depend on the victim. Shen can use his knowledge of metallurgy to make him prosthetic fangs so he can once again use the Poison Fang technique. Tai Lung, however, being a kung fu prodigy, would have understood completely. Face Turn might well be impaired by the fact that Shifu and Po apparently are fed up with him, and everyone else just fear him. Look sorta familiar to anyone? Unfortunate Implications given how Shen ended up, but then again all subversions of the Animation Age Ghetto are rightfully welcome. Fu chickened out and Tai Lung was merely imprisoned.

Unintentionally Sympathetic, so why give the audience more fuel to care about him? Tai Lung and Shen are not among them, though. Mr Ping gets him on the ropes. After seeing the sequel three times in a row, and having a Kung Fu Panda dream, I came to the realisation that they can never be together specifically because of the squicky implication of them not being the same species. Po was the result of a whole bunch of recessive genes that happened to hit all at once, and made him look like a panda. Shen, thinking ahead, may have decided to get rid of any tigers, white or regular, while he was at it. Kungfu Turtle but to casually defeat with a mere touch, a much larger, possibly even stronger and faster, younger, furious, in the midst of a Roaring Rampaging, combatant that was the prime candidate for Champion of your own school of martial arts takes Weak, but Skilled Up to Eleven! Tai Lung is alive, and the Wu Xi Finger Hold is actually a mutual destruction desperation technique that Po only partially understood.

Maybe they were just ordinary citizens who wanted to live their lives and raise their son in peace. The size of Ki shockwave hardly means anything in a world where accoplished martial artists can survive being slammed into ground with a force of an exploding bomb almost unscathed. The guess was originally made very soon after the Sinlong rumors hit TV Tropes, and long before the official Gary Oldman Peacock release, so yes. Because how FREAKING AWESOME would that be? OH MY GOSH, this is too cute! Tai Lung would still be imprisoned. Interspecies Romance has never been a problem for DreamWorks though. Personally, even if what was shown was not completely accurate, I think Shifu actually cared about her.

But in a totally zen way, so it all worked out anyway. Whether this makes him more tragic or more evil or both is in the eyes of the beholder. That could be a lucky shot for all we know. Tai Lung ended up how he was either because he had twenty years in an oubliette to stew and go mad, because the turtle shell prison stopped his metabolism before he got the juice out of his system, or both. In the Kung Fu Panda world, 20 years locked in a turtle shaped box while shackled still does nothing more than give you a few krinks you can stretch out in a few moments. Wu Dan, was he able to change how he trained Po. Lord Shen was not actually responsible for the massacre of the Panda village. Oogway denying Tai Lung the Dragon Scroll was a Secret Test of Character. Thundering Rhino was gay?

The first had Tai Lung who used his melee skills to overwhelm his opponents. Dreamworks had released, Lord Shen did something horrible after his mother figure The Soothsayer told him about a vision twenty years ago. Po somehow managed to escape and was later found by Mr. Dreamworks will want it, they will do it, but currently there is very little reason to expect any changes in status quo between them. The first film established Po. They stated the final fate of Tai Lung to be a mistery, but, well, we all know what Never Found the Body is for. Meaning Shifu was indeed bluffing to be intimidating. Kind of a stretch, but Word of God says there will be six movies, which is just enough for a villainous version of the Furious Five to be formed.

Ping was his father, that was EXACTLY what I assumed. Po returns to the valley and frees his friends before the final battle. Tai Lung wanted to be killed by the Wuxi Fingerhold. Note: I said that Po will be in love with Tigress, not that they will get together or that she would even return his affections. Oogway and Shifu would have been. Zen Survivor of some sort. First off all, Po has been training for a much shorter period than any of them, and yet is roughly as good as them.

There are two dragon warriors. Shifu started training her and the time he adopted her. My guess is The Soothsayer foresaw Po as either defeating Shen, stopping his plans in some way or was just his biggest threat. Shen decided Gotta Kill Em All. Zhankouchong, not the handheld Shouchong. Tai Lung will return in the third movie, having survived the Wu Xi Finger Hold.

Threaten him with a deadly move. Oogway was making it all up as he went along. Rivaling Oogway in wisdom if not brash courage. In that case, this troper is going to go create a Khajiit Dragonborn modeled entirely after Tai Lung. Mr Ping is the only one left standing. But with less kicking. Shifu is simply telling Tai Lung what he wants to hear in a desperate attempt to stop Tai Lung from killing him. Oogway did consider Tai Lung as the Dragon Warrior but suspected he was too proud and arrogant for the job.

Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom. Which actually makes sense, since the five apparently spent all their time training. Quite a few fanfics assume this to be true. The sequel is being a Master of the Mixed Message about this issue. The fear of the move is so powerful that one ends up destroying oneself the exact way one pictured it. When denied the goal their master was raising them for, they both decided to grasp for it anyway. Fighting Army of the Dead, which would include all previous villains who died. Oogway planned the whole thing.

British and Americans armed with firearms. Plot summaries have indicated that the villain, who has been confirmed to be Lord Shen, has a weapon so powerful that it threatens the existence of Kung Fu itself. Mr Ping goes NUTS on him, tearing the guy to smithereens. If this happens I will commit arson, murder, and. Much like Moses was raised as being the heir of the throne, Tai Lung was raised to be the Dragon Warrior. And at the end of each movie, Po shared his revelation with the villain and offered a chance for redemption. In one of the recent trailers, we have a scene of the five and Po in shackles, but the tiny mantis is nowhere to be seen.

Nobody in the Valley of Peace knew about that particular prophecy. Running other errands for the gods. Po and Tigress himself, supplying an action ending for the story. AGREE with this theory. The only question is, was he truly able to see the future, or just was a transcedentally awesome judge of character. Tai Lung has Shifu utterly beaten and has told Shifu that he always wanted his approval that he starts spouting out his apologies. In the first film, blue was used for Tai Lung, representing his cold and relentless nature.

Mode Sue within a month. Now, its up to Po to redeem Tai Lung, and restore balance. Sounds good to me. The second film put a lot of focus on Tigress. This leads us to the conclusion that Po, instead, invented an entirely new move, based on the Wuxi Fingerhold, but distinct, and the creation of this move signifies his ascent to kung fu master. At the end of the film they will show that they care about eachother and become close friends but nothing more. All in all, it is practically confirmed. Oogway denied Tai Lung the scroll. Po is not adopted. They are far from being personally happy as well.

One of the next movies will involve a toned down expy! Well, they showed him fighting. Tai Lung would be too pigheaded to listen and learn from that. IRL, immobilization for even a few weeks would make muscle mass and functional strength shrink to near useless levels. Bonus points if her love interest turns evil. At the beginning of the movie he knew his days are numbered, and there is no candidate for succeeding him. Species Traitor or no, he is still my son and I cannot let him die today! They were both adopted themselves, so it makes sense that they would want to continue the pattern. That position is the Phoenix Warrior, and is given to Tai Lung.

Tai Lung gave into his anger and became a villain, showing a stunning lack of control for someone as well trained as himself. Well, when has a fanboy gotten all their facts straight? Staff of Harmony, but is gone now, since it was broken by Tai Lung. If it was just a straight up physical hold, yes. Almost certainly the case. The official website confirms that Shen prefers to defend himself with cannons, rather than fighting physically. Furthermore, if the producers still want an action ending, the Big Bad might be prone to listen, but his Dragon could get stubborn about it and try to lash out instead. Well, live and learn. In the end, this single difference between them makes all the difference in the world, as it sent Tai Lung down a dark path, yet it also marks Tigress as being a truly worthy and honorable warrior.

If the rumours of six films are true, then this lines up numerically. Po and his love plowing through the enemy as like Gods of War. Mongol invasion of China. Princess Mononoke as the Ishibaya. Mr Ping tries to advise against this and remind him to accept himself as he is, to stay true to himself. Po is obviously not really the son of the duck who owns the restaurant. Considering that Po was ready to forgive Lord Shen, who, as he believed, ganked his entire biological family, the possibility of Wuxi Fingerhold being lethal just went to extremely low. You know, when I learned Mr. Finally, Oogway is at least a thousand years old. You may be wondering why I guessed this.

Shifu and Tigress to bond properly either. Since both melee and technological themes have been used, it would be fitting that the third villain use some form of supernatural force in the form of magic. And then the evil panda hammers in the last nail. Donkey and Dragon from Shrek and Gloria and Melman from Madagascar. The ending of the sequel will tease the return of Tai Lung. Remember how Shifu mentioned that the worst part of the Wuxi Fingerhold was cleaning up afterwards? You mean like the Jar of Whispering Warriors? The Art of Kung Fu Panda, Tai Lung was originally intended to have an army that would help him pillage and burn. Eventually, it turns out that the evil panda is planning something dastardly.

Jossed, Lord Shen is a handsome peacock, who was born in and ruling over the Chinese city of Gongmen. And this is one of the situations where the villain listening to Po would be completely justified. According to a legend, Shifu used to smile. Oogway sealed his soul into the peach tree sprout. Po pictured how the Wuxi Fingerhold worked. Moses, but let me explain. Crane was trying to hint to Po that he could succeed by focusing on his strengths. Dragon Warriors protecting it. Kung Fu, with some accomodations made.

Tai Lung instead went on a rampage, so, in essence, Tai Lung himself screwed his chance to become the Dragon Warrior up big time. Po has discovered an empty hand martial arts Catch and Return technique to effectively counter cannon fire. His dad did say broth ran deep through their veins. Why would that even matter to either Po or Tigress? The worst thing he does is that he lies to Po about knowing how to use chi to make him come to the secret panda village. Likewise, he never actually says he did it in his dialogue.

Just one generation earlier. However, in the current era, that knowledge is entirely lost to them. Also, I think it was a war hammer, not a rake. Po was Eddie Riggs in another life. Thinking like a filmmaker here, so bear with me. Seems some people are a little too far on the cynical side of the scale. The other pandas track Po down, for a big reunion.

Science Marches On: Pandas are indeed bears. If he wanted to. He had no duty to do that. To provide a moral lesson, to boot. Interspecies breedings are possible in our world as well; just look at mules or ligers. He had already done his job. Fun fact, people during ancient China were okay with homosexuality. The villain of the third film will have green or black as his color.

And bad for Rhino guards. Match Critters like they did with Donkey and Dragon. Someone will likely point out when he reveals this that he might be being too genre savvy as the feathers may count. He did briefly show up in one episode of the animated series. Knowing Dreamworks, this idea is too good to pass up. After all, all we see is him scoring one good hit with a rake. Yang, which caused problems. Sinlong tries to kill them.

Many viewers have noticed that Tai Lung and Tigress share many, if not most, of their traits. TV series and see. Sinlong for real later on, considering there are supposed to be more than just one sequel movie, plus the TV show. Wuxi finger hold in the sequel. He may seem like a humble noodle shop vendor content with his lot in life but it was his advice that was key to understanding the Dragon Scrolls. Learning about them, however, did help Po to find inner peace and grow as a person. Or Po is the son of two great noodle makers. The Furious Five are down, Po is down.

Lord Shen is Jesus for very obvious reasons. All pandas in Kung Fu Panda 3 are heroic and fight by the side of Po against an evil yak spirit. The Wuxi fingerhold teleports the victim somewhere far away. Dragon this whole time? Kung Fu that ends up being helpful. Losing his wife, infant son and most of his species will have turned him angry and bitter. The first two films used a lot of color symbolism for their villains, each one using a different color. That was an unverified rumor.

Sort of like a blond being born to two brunettes, only to the extreme. Whoever made this entry is Made of Win. Lord Shen does know who is actually responsible, and his whole obsession with building an army and creating cannons was really about protecting the kingdom from this threat, even if they all hated him. That might be because it is impossible to have kids with someone of a different species in this universe. It would have been beyond cruel for Shifu to adopt Tigress and not really care. Adopting her meant altering his life for at least ten years, probably permanently. Oogway denied Tai Lung the Dragon Scroll. My explanation: he escaped due to his size, and one of his moments of awesome in this movie is whooping the guards around him with small but deadly strikes to save the rest of the five.

Suddenly, Po charges in to help her and when Tigress asks during the fray why he came back, Po responds with his philosophic realization and his love for her. Tai Lung on the other hand probably only knew that the hold was very powerful and not to be used by any means. If you watch closely we never actually see him or his soldiers actually killing anyone in the flashbacks. Master Wuxi was to create a technique so simply executed yet so insanely strange and otherworldly in its apparent nature. Secrets of the Furious Five, which is told by Po, there are no hints that Tigress ever was anything more than yet another living tool for Shifu. Everyone is happy and everything is good.

Both of his parents were referenced as peacocks. Could be a war rake which was a weapon. Po to come back to live with the other Pandas as a farmer, Po, liking his life and adopted family wants to stay but knows his biological father really loves him and has trouble denying him. Shifu took her in as a matter of duty, not of real compassion. Oogway may have been an Ancient Mutan. The main villain may be an evil sleazy swarmy British animal, played by confirmed British actor Gary Oldman.

Tai Lung would have been there to teach him. Master Shifu, Shen Long, the Furious Five, none of them got it at first glance. The first movie dealt with discovering what you already had inside you, the second film dealt with overcoming your past to find peace. Tai Lung built up an image of a mystical move beyond mortal comprehension, hence the waves of chi. Giving the other four main characters something to do for the last four movies. The next movies will all take turns prominently featuring members of the Furious Five. Refuse the Call Anymore moment, or has yet to get there. Muscles are meaningless compared to TRUE Mastery.

Oogway at least have been able to tell he was drugged and thus not lock him away, or at least not until the drug wore off? Our heroes try to stop him, and get floored. Oogway created the Dragon Scroll in hopes that one day the Dragon Warrior will rise and become the greatest kung fu master in the world. The villain of the sixth movie will actually listen to Po. Promptly get run over at the next zebra crossing? Po, and how he was finally able to do so: that he saw kung fu as just learning moves, training against deadly devices, and so created the training hall because he saw that as the only way to create perfect warriors. Po are limitless, especially since he knows all one thousand scrolls. Evil Counterparts to the other members of the Five.

In the second film, red was used for Shen, representing his violent and hateful nature. Talk about Fridge Brilliance. He returns as a heroic character. Horus and the people of Egypt, just like Tai Lung would be the emissary for peace as appointed by Oogway. While this is probably a HUGE stretch given the timeline, Shen may have orphaned Tai Lung as well. By the third movie the relationship is still just teased.

It could be like the Huns, led by a family of Siberian tigers. Who in the Kung Fu Panda universe is a reddish racoon, and not only that, but one who was good enough a martial artist to have fathered the Dragon Warrior? But going strictly by what we see, Shifu simply does not show any form of affection or parental feelings for Tigress ever, both to her or us, save for that one story, which is, again told by Po. So, is there any clarification on whether Tai Lung was killed or not? Fu, Tai Lung discovered a way to become immortal by possessing hundreds of people at a time. Gongmen, just down the river aways, and Shen probably would have gone for the closer ones first. Ping is secretly a retired kungfu master in hiding who opened up a noodle shop after giving up kungfu. And then the last scene happens in the noodle shop, with everyone together. There is no secret ingredient.

Yet when the move is used on Tai Lung, there is just a wave of light. Shifu a run for his money with what appeared to be a game of Majhong. Once Upon a Time in China. He survived his ship being demolished with no serious damage. The REAL reason he had the rampage was because Oogway found out about it a denied him the dragon scroll as a result. Though really, I would like to know. Again, if Po and Tigress become a couple. If Po and Tigress ever become a couple, they will adopt their children.

Tai lung was a closeted homosexual. Po is actually the son of Shifu! So Oogway took steps to rectify this. Po gives in and goes with his father, right before the new villain attacks, proving too powerful to defeat without him and capturing the valley. Alternately he could be Genre Savvy enough to know that appointing The Chosen One to be someone who actually trained and prepared for the task would fail spectacularly. Ooor alternatively again, Monkey and Viper will become an item. Masters Shifu and Oogway are still perfectly capable despite their advanced age, and almost every kung fu master from all the legends and stories told in the story were still alive by the beginning of the story.

Pandas must stick with their own. Whether or not they are fertile or producing viable offspring, though. Fan Fic posited the notion there is a second warrior position, equal and opposite to the Dragon, which is meant to fight at his side and bring balance. Ping won the baby Po in a game of mahjong. Po seemed to me in the first film to be showing signs that he has a crush on Tigress, while simultaneously considering her scary as hell. Sure, Reality Subtext dictates that there will be people in Real Life whom, even if you understand their motivations and sympathize with them, are evil and stay unrepentantly so. Fingerhold, or at least kill him and get revenge for the years of imprisonment. How would that work? This theory is supported by their size, which is quite big compared to Real Life gorillas. If Tai Lung had accepted the denial and shown his integrity and loyalty, Oogway would have given the scroll to him.

And brings back Tai Lung, possibly giving him the army of underlings that were originally set for the first film. You mean, Po is going to be even more awesome? In the third movie he is shown to live in the Spirit Realm until Kai steals his chi, trapping his spirit. If there is a third in the series, the villain would use magical powers of some sort. Wordof God supports this theory. How about a version of the famous Terra Cotta Statue army come to life?

Yes, yes, think about it! Po needed to be taken out of the training hall, that Shifu needed to think outside the box, if Po was to succeed. Even showing them kiss in the film would be squicky. Tai Lung, he merely delayed him. Soothsayer raise him because she DID. However, it could be a case of the Unreliable Narrator Po is. Po is considered special or different. Dragon Warrior is worthy enough to become his successor and carry on the legacy of kung fu. Panda from Skunk Fu! Po will be jealous of him, and Tigress will inevitably call him out on it. He could have walked away. Dad the camera pans over what seems to be a vast distance, as well as a huge Mountain range that may be the Himalayas.

Shen was responsible for the endangerment of giant pandas and the reason Po is an orphan. But hey, why not? Po falls for this, trying to change himself to fit. We get a Fatal Attraction for Mantis. He was briefly winded at most. This movie could also have more of a focus on how the Furious Five formed, and actually give them some character development. If so it would allow the creators to draw on a broader set of animals and culture in next film, as well as providing some variation on the the design. Panda sit on said skull, and him in general, several times.

In the short, Shifu could be seen smiling. And it hits him: He rampaged through the valley, was imprisoned for years, fought his way out of Prison, and was made a fool of by a BIG FAT PANDA. Remember: in this world, the philosophy of kung fu is more important than any technique. Crane is one of the most intelligent kung fu masters in the entire series so far. Mr Ping, Po, and the evil panda are all working, making the best noodles they can. In Kung Fu Panda 2, Mantis will save the rest of the heroes. At that, the invigorated Battle Couple, knowing they are exactly where they belong, together in battle, proceed to wipe the floor with the enemy like a two furry typhoon to the astonishment of the others. The other dragon warrior is Tai Lung.

After all, if he wanted to escape earlier, he never needed a duck feather. Po knowing the Wuxi Fingerhold that had him scared, it was fear of him not knowing it that had him scared. Po is basically a kung fu fanboy, right? Depending on the numbers of Pandas and other creatures Shen would have to go through, it may just have given Tai Lung enough time for Tai Lung to be raised, trained and go through the events of the first film. Po will be in love with Tigress in the third movie. Is he as good a master, in general terms, as Shifu? Crane and Viper will become the beta couple to Po and Tigress.

Tigress was adopted when Tai Lung was a teenager or at least still there. Shifu is a red panda, though. Mei Ling for Crane. When Oogway was trying to show Shifu that his destiny was really to take over for Oogway when he leaves. Aside from the obvious, both are decently competent fighters whose real strength is teaming up with their already powerful allies for absolutely devastating Combination Attacks. Foreign colonies with no honor invade China with firearms, of course in the movie world, guns are no match for kung fu. Kung Fu Panda is set in the same world as Skunk Fu! Whether we saw the fight elaborated on or not, the fact that they showed it indicates that they wanted the audience to take that point home. But it would seem that Shifu repaired it and uses it as his main weapon, himself. Hell, if anything, being locked in a turtle shaped box for 20 years seems to be GOOD for you.

He might have decided to just break out right then and there out of sheer coincidence since he was going go do it then anyway, or he knew what news of a new Dragon Warrior meant. Owen Wilson or Jet Li. Ping who adopted him and loved him as his son. Either that or, like the role of the Dragon Warrior, the role of Dragon is passed down too, with new dragons created to take up the role when the previous dragon is incapacitated. The third film will deal with overcoming what others think of you and following what you know in your heart. What I predict will hapen is that in the future films Tigress will meet a love interest, a rival to Po, dashing and handsome kung fu tiger. In Chinese Mythology phoenixes and dragons are commonly paired together, usually in marriages to symbolize the bride and groom. But the GOOSE, had the answer before the question was asked.

The time was ripe for him to snatch it! The real one snuck in and saved Po and the other four by putting out the fuse of the cannon that was about to be fired at them. Tai Lung BELIEVED in the supposed Power of the Dragon Scrolls to the very End. On the same note, expect expy! Had he shown humility, he would dealt with Shen twenty years earlier, and saved alot of collateral damage. Way to go in undermining your own Aesop and your professed motivation. Tai Lung attempts to use the Staff of Harmony to strangle Shifu, but instead, it shatters; peach petals drift by as it releases its spiritual energy. Tai Lung could have escaped at any time during 20 years in prison. Wait, and what about the panda girl played by Rebel Wilson?

Which means that all Po and the Furious Five actually succeeded in doing in the second movie is eliminating the one thing protecting their kingdom from a massive threat. Maybe an animated version will be better? Big Bad as a counter to Po, and it will be Awesome. At that Po, with a little prodding from Tigress, raises his father and hugs him. Plus, the cannon falling on him may have knocked him out and drug him down with it, drowning him. Someone handed Tai Lung a spiked drink when he was Drowning His Sorrows from not getting the dragon scroll. Shen is revealed as having made Po an orphan, just like newer historical finds show a darker side to Jesus and the early christians.

China for six whole movies after having a villain threatening all of China in only the second? Expect foreign Slave traders get their asses kick by Po, and flick a bullet with his fingers. Po was worthy of learning Kung Fu, no matter what anyone else thought, Shi Fu included. Dragon Warrior is getting the scroll. Tigress, on the other hand, was able to control her anger and disappointment, though she was probably just as pissed as Tai Lung. Sealed Evil in a Can. Said final villain can use either necromancy or mind control.

The villain of the third film, Kai, is quite explicitly supernatural. Shen was said to be sickly to begin with and is visably hurt from Po landing on him. He had a face full of whisker after all. In her story, Shifu seemed much more eager to take her in than in the flashback we saw in the original movie. Phoenix Warrior will most likely be female, and may possibly serve as an antagonist or a love interest to Po. But peahens also have feather crests, and are brown coloured. How would Tai Lung know? Po was being an Unreliable Narrator in Secrets of the Furious Five, simplifying much more complicated events into quick Ephiphany Therapy, for the sake of teaching his students An Aesop. Ancients or Daniel Jackson? Alternatively, gorillas are representing people of African descent, but living in China.

And Oogway seemed to have a very Daoist way of viewing the world. He was not responsible for Tigress. Shifu originally started his training hoping to become the Dragon Warrior, and later, hoping to train the Dragon Warrior when he found Tai Lung. The soothsayer predicted that a black and white warrior would stop Shen, and she may not have specifically said a panda. That stupid Panda got to the Dragon Scroll and took all the Power! Moses is essentially a meaningless, obsolete figure.

DVD even specifically points to the gravity of her disobedience. No, this is for you too, Dragon Warrior. The main, and possibly only, difference is that a true warrior has control over their emotions, rather then allowing the emotions to control them. In the third movie, we learn that Pandas, as a race, definitely have a history of mastery over chi manipulation, which they seemed to use mainly for healing, not as an offensive art. If so this would likely place the Panda Refuge in the area of India. Gorillas in China seem to be a serious case of Misplaced Wildlife.

Oogway was finally retiring to a higher plane. Maybe it teleports them to another part of the planet, or maybe to an alternate dimension. He wanted Po gone, and knew that Po would probably only know OF the move, and not the full details. His appearance during the end credits montage, that clearly depicts the stuff characters are doing after the main story, serves as an evidence of survival, at least. Each movie has an aesop or lesson for Po to learn in order for him to become more and more of a Kung Fu master. So Tai Lung, thinking that Shifu is lying about his apologies, rejects his apology and demands the scroll. Ascent To A Higher Plane Of Being.

Ping really is his dad, and his mother was a panda. Wu sisters were dropped from production, but they are dead ringers for Mei Ling as she appears in Secrets of the Furious Five. Albino, but in the movie are said to have died from grief at having to banish him, showing they DID love him. Such a weapon may be an explosive of some kind. Universe Shen is responsible for making Giant Pandas, Snow Leopards and South China Tigers endangered. Reaction upon seeing the Dragon Scroll is really a reflection upon themselves. Po was adopted, his biological parents were pandas, Mr. Then Po tells him that it is just that.

Ian McShane returning has been made, although I read somewhere that he was slated to appear in the second episode of the TV series. Zen and Daoist kind of saying. Given that the movie is apparently the first of a series, this is pretty much a given. Sichuan, which is in Southwest China. Not a bad suggestion, either of them. Bonus points for Tigress actually being related to this family, finding out over the course of the movie, and then having to decide whether or not to accept her family name. The color is always used in intense scenes to help establish the serious mood.

The second had Lord Shen who used technology in the form of a cannon in an attempt to destroy Kung Fu. Father is in the martial arts. Oogway ascended and is now one of The Others, allowing him to continue his awesomeness even across genres! This troper saw statements to either effect, claiming to be backed by Word of God. Ok, stick with me here. Shen, like he ultimately did with his banishment, took this as rejection, fueling his own hatred. Tai Lung in prison and forgetting. Not a hard bet to say that Lord Shen will be wielding a Shouchong. China produced 588 films in 2011, which generated 53. However, 2011 was not a bad year for the Chinese movie industry.

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