Sunday, December 31, 2017

Options trading 2015

The so called market gurus, friends circle, other acquaintances and stock brokers can influence you in one way or the other. This book is an essence of my 35 years of research and experience of trading 28 strategies of options. However, they possess very little knowledge of options trading. During the process of teaching you different trading strategies, I am bound to be wrong, not once, but many times on a short term basis. We have yet to come up with an instrument that can predict or measure human psychology. Sometimes we happen to see such volatility all on the same day. The stock broker should only be saying whether the stock market ha s gone up or down. This happens to people who do not have proper trade plan. Do not always think that trading is a means of making or losing money.

Hence, the wrong options strategies are bound to work many times. Most losses occur because of the silly mistakes of traders, such as forgetting to put in the stop loss of money order, for example. The reason is very simple. Your moods and daily life should not be governed by the graphs of Dow Jones. Have fun in a casino and satisfy your gambling instincts there. On a short term basis the market is governed by psychological forces. He traded stock options for 35 years.

You are bound to be right at some time or another. The hardest part in this game of trading is to kill your ego. There is absolutely no obligation on your part. One can choose to focus on the market instead of relying on the relationship with broker. Losing in casinos may be much cheaper than losing your hard earned savings in the stock market. Once you are right, you tend to forget the number of times you were wrong.

We will even pay for the shipping and handling charges if you live within USA. It is absolutely impossible to predict market movements. Your ego is the biggest negative force and may lead to disasters. Traders often have second thoughts about a trade when prices come close. We will be happy to mail you a free copy of this book. Sell when most people are buying. Short term market movements tend to behave in a very illogical manner. The fact is this statement is wrong to begin with.

This is simply human nature and it is difficult to fight against it. One should take care of such mistakes before a trade is initiated. Identify what you learnt after you exit a position. If you have made money this way, you become a victim of your own wrong doings. Remember, this is the quality which every options trader needs to have. You must still stick to the fundamental principles of trading. Buy when most people are selling.

Harsimran Singh was awarded a Ph. California University for his research work in options trading strategies and he authored 12 books. Think of trading as your education and learn something new every day. Emotions are the enemies of traders. One must overcome natural impulses driven by fear and greed. Liquidity has dried up, both on dealer capital desks and on screens. And if the first few days of 2015 are any indication, options traders will be presented with a wealth of opportunities that have been sorely lacking in recent years. The frequency of these volatility events, however, accelerated in the second half of the year, with market gyrations becoming more common, and that bodes well for 2015. The lack of volatility and incessant upward grind in equity prices provided few opportunities to trade but a resurgence in fourth quarter volatility brought a measure optimism for the industry.

Executing a trade has become an increasingly challenging proposition, especially for large trades in less active names. Hedge funds are becoming an endangered species in listed options markets, as limited trading opportunities in the low volatility environment and the continued focus on improving broker balance sheets are forcing many hedge funds to pull back from trading options. In contrast, asset managers continue to be enamored with options strategies and are slowly but surely expanding their use of options within strategies. Traders tend to be an optimistic bunch and with any luck, this optimism will translate into renewed interest, higher trading volumes and a boon to the options industry in 2015. Electronic markets are thin and traders complain about fading liquidity whenever they need to get a trade done. Despite reducing their level of options trading in 2014, the buy side remains bullish on using options, especially as volatility returns and rising assets under management provide a solid foundation for expanded trading. The lack of volatility has been a growing deterrent, but the continued culling of broker client lists has become a growing concern for many of the hedge funds we interviewed.

Add to that the closure of hedge funds that fail to meet investor expectations of returns and the decline becomes even more notable. Investors were writing fewer options as premium income dried up and they had to be more aggressive in identifying potential opportunities to trade. Crises du jour did provide windows of opportunity in 2014 but these occurrences were few and far between. You next stop is reading the Options Basics article to learn about What is an Option, how to trade options, and option characteristics. Not Trading Options 101, but Trading Options 001. You want to get in on the action and become an options trader yourself but not sure how to get started? Here you will learn the basics of options, mini options, how to make money trading options, and different option strategies; all in plain english anyone can understand.

This web site is meant to be the ultimate Options Tutorial for the beginner. Heard people talk about how much money they made playing with options? You can also view our blog to take advantage of our latest recommendations of options trades. You can also refer to these web sites below while you are reading some of the material from this web site. YieldBoost formula has looked up and down the TEX options chain for the new February 2015 contracts and identified one put and one call contract of particular interest. Of course, a lot of upside could potentially be left on the table if TEX shares really soar, which is why looking at the trailing twelve month trading history for Terex Corp. Below is a chart showing the trailing twelve month trading history for Terex Corp. Investors in Terex Corp.

SBUX had been traded. The first nine months of 2015 were not good ones for the market. On the other hand, if the underlying stock falls more than moderately, the options portfolio might lose more than you would lose you had bought stock instead. Second, there are some put positions. As you will soon see, while the gains in COST and SBUX were most impressive compared to the overall market, they did not do nearly as well as our two actual portfolios which traded options on these underlyings. This allows us to tweak the profile each week rather than making wholesale adjustments at the end of the expiration month. Two other times during the year, the stock took a sudden drop and the portfolio value fell below the equivalent investment in the stock, but when the stock moved higher in July, the portfolio shot by a considerably higher percentage. The results include commissions on all the trades.

Of course, it is a lot easier just to buy the stock. With this amount invested, you could have purchased 43. In late January when the stock fell a bit, the portfolio value fell by a greater amount, but when the stock recovered, the portfolio outperformed on the upside as well. Many subscribers cover their entire subscription cost by their commission cost savings. You can see how most weeks, this collection of long and short calls will result in a profit as long as the stock moves only moderately. Our portfolio outperformed by more than 30 times what the owners of the stock gained. We are now short weekly options in several different series. We select strikes which will balance out the risk profile for the portfolio. Trade service at that brokerage firm. Extreme leverage can be your friend if the stock holds steady or moves higher.

Got an extra five minutes of time to change your thinking about investing forever? However, there is a big difference in the options portfolios. That explains why the portfolio value gains or loses at almost 5 times the rate of owning 44 shares of stock. You can see many differences between these positions and what we held back in January. Ever since then, for 35 years, I have traded options essentially every day the market has been open. Harvard Business School and earned a Doctorate in Business Administration from the University of Virginia, but my most valuable credentials came from trading options nearly every day for all those years. The method used in these portfolios is a lot like buying stock and writing calls against the stock. The Order further finds that the activities related to commodity option transactions were not conducted in compliance with a provision of the CEA or a provision of the Regulations otherwise applicable to swaps, and were not conducted pursuant to the Regulation 32. Order filing and simultaneously settling charges against Coinflip, Inc. Additionally, the Order finds that Coinflip operated a facility for the trading of swaps but did not register the facility as a Swap Execution Facility or Designated Contract Market, as required.

Coinflip is based in San Francisco, California, and Riordan resides in San Francisco. Brent Tomer, Lenel Hickson, Jr. CEA and Regulations, the Order finds. CEA and Regulation 37. In the Order, the CFTC for the first time finds that Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are properly defined as commodities. The Order finds that, from in or about March 2014 to at least August 2014, Coinflip and Riordan operated an online facility named Derivabit, offering to connect buyers and sellers of Bitcoin option contracts. The CFTC Order finds that Coinflip designated put and call options for the delivery of Bitcoins as eligible for trading on the Derivabit platform. The Order requires Coinflip and Riordan to cease and desist from further violations of the CEA and Regulations, as charged, and to comply with specified undertakings. Regulations, commodity option transactions must either be conducted in compliance with provisions of the CEA or Regulations otherwise applicable to swaps, or conducted pursuant to Regulation 32. While there is a lot of excitement surrounding Bitcoin and other virtual currencies, innovation does not excuse those acting in this space from following the same rules applicable to all participants in the commodity derivatives markets. In this article I will look at FX Options trade volumes as reported to US Swap Data Repositories and volumes published by US Swap Execution Facilities. Again for the same 10 currency pairs.

The same data but as percentage share. Client trading in 2015? USD which are deliverable currencys! However in Gross Notional terms Barriers are far smaller than Vanilla, as the table below shows. And the same in gross notional terms. Meaning that the notional size of each barrier option is a small fraction of the size of a vanilla option. You can also do yourself by using SDRView and SEFView. FX Options On SEF and their is no Clearing.

And a by month view to look for any change in share over the year. Thats it for market share. Using SDRView we can look at 2015 monthly trade count volumes of Vanilla Options for the ten most traded currency pairs. First for the period 1 Jan to 31 Aug 2015. There is lots of interesting data available on FX Options. Showing that the majority of trading is Off SEF. Using SEFView we can look at market share for each SEF for our 10 currency pairs. What about On SEF vs Off SEF trading.

Now onto the charts, data and detail. Lets see how this compares to the corresponding period in 2014. This new standard could significantly change their revenue and reporting models. The rule, proposed in April 2015, is expected to be published during the first half of this year. Along with the proposed rule, the DOL has published a list of proposed exemptions that lists types of assets that fiduciaries are permitted to recommend for IRAs. Individual investors have also expressed fears that the rule change could hamper their ability to generate income and reduce risk in their retirement portfolio.

One tangible impact would be on options trading volume. Taking away the ability to trade options would deprive clients of the ability to protect a portfolio or a specific investment, TD Ameritrade Holding said in a written comment in July. The rule, however, if passed in its current form, would effectively bar the use of options in individual retirement accounts, a growing segment of the industry, market participants say. But the pace of growth has slowed of late, and for 2015, trading volume fell by about 3 percent compared with 2014. Some of these deal with the use of options in IRAs. The comment period for the proposal closed on Sept. Office of Management and Budget on Jan.

While it is difficult to estimate the exact extent of the damage, TABB Group estimates that between 2 to 3 percent of overall equity options trading volume occurs in retirement accounts, which could be at risk. Annual equity options volume, which in 2000 was at 673 million contracts, has swelled to more than five times that. Andy Nybo, partner and global head of research and consulting at TABB Group, a consultancy. The proposal has received thousands of comments from individual investors, investment managers, and other stakeholders. Henderson, who also provided a comment letter to regulators. For more information how to day trade successfully, click here. This is exactly when the gamblers start to move in and start placing their wagers, and which options do you think they are buying?

However, for this risk you have an unlimited upside potential. Volatility increases make options prices more expensive. For those that are not familiar with volatility, picture it as the cost of uncertainty in the future price move. The best part is that we profit from the increase in uncertainty and close our trade when the final event that has been anticipated is taking place. Have a wonderful day. Volatility is like a tax. Signup today to learn more. Meet the long straddle.

But the TRADEPROs that treat options trading like a business use an entirely different method, allowing them to rake in handsome profits with a higher percentage of success and stay on the sidelines during the actual earnings release, when there is the highest risk and uncertainty. Stay tuned and check back with us on April 20th for an update. We are setting up for a profit when the volatility increases. The maximum risk of a long straddle is known ahead of time, and is the total amount you paid to purchase the calls and puts. This does not mean this potential will be realized in full, but the chances of losing everything are very slim as well. DO NOT HOLD THEM for the earnings release! Research has shown that volatility doubles in the week before an earnings release and maxes out the day before the actual report.

For years, the company has been setting low earnings guidance numbers and smashing them out of the park. This value determines how much the premium will change. Sign up for one of our subscriptions and experience the edge of trading with the professionals. Signup and give options trading a shot. This has made the stock a favorite for options gamblers because they know a big move is highly likely and they cannot resist themselves. Today I would like to share one of my favorite earnings trading strategies with you. To find out how to trade more passively with options click here. Traditionally the idea behind the long calls is to capture profits should the stock price increase, and the long puts to capture profits should the stock decrease. Quarterly earnings on Apple are a spectacle for investors, traders, analysts and techies alike.

The ones we are selling while locking in our profits. Good luck and good trading. We will cover this in much more detail shortly. This is just a little teaser of the actual trade setup, but we plan to setup the trade and share it with you live, including the final results. The long straddle options trading method is not as scary or abusive as it may sound once you know the details. There are so many strategies in options trading, that I could write a twelve volume encyclopedia series about them. Technical analysis may not serve as the foundation of your method, but it can still play an important role in trade identification and risk management. This week they discuss complexity, frequency and personal responsibility as they explore how much the average investor is actually capable of. Triple witching is an important quarterly trading event that all market participants should be aware of. Research Team, our founder Tom Sosnoff, says it best.

Director Martin Wilson shares the exclusive here! Learn more about technical analysis and Trading the Close with Tim Knight! Welcome to the tastytrade blog! One of the key data points that goes into the price an option buyer is willing to pay, is the time value, so with 241 days until expiration the newly trading contracts represent a potential opportunity for sellers of puts or calls to achieve a higher premium than would be available for the contracts with a closer expiration. Investors in Xinyuan Real Estate Co Ltd saw new options begin trading this week, for the April 2015 expiration. Of course, a lot of upside could potentially be left on the table if XIN shares really soar, which is why looking at the trailing twelve month trading history for Xinyuan Real Estate Co Ltd, as well as studying the business fundamentals becomes important.

At Stock Options Channel, our YieldBoost formula has looked up and down the XIN options chain for the new April 2015 contracts and identified one put and one call contract of particular interest. Of course, a lot of upside could potentially be left on the table if APP shares really soar, which is why looking at the trailing twelve month trading history for American Apparel, Inc. One of the key data points that goes into the price an option buyer is willing to pay, is the time value, so with 240 days until expiration the newly trading contracts represent a potential opportunity for sellers of puts or calls to achieve a higher premium than would be available for the contracts with a closer expiration. At Stock Options Channel, our YieldBoost formula has looked up and down the APP options chain for the new August 2015 contracts and identified the following call contract of particular interest. Should the covered call contract expire worthless, the premium would represent a 13. Investors in American Apparel, Inc. This week on the dough webinar, Ryan and Beef go back to basics on options trading. And they are here to teach it! How much are you potentially willing to lose? Options trading has an art and a science.

How many days until expiration?

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